| Thumb |
Description |
Linked to |
1951 |
 | Clarkson Adkins & Louisa J. Richmond - 1872 Marriage Record |
1952 |
 | Clarkson Adkins & Sarah (___) Allen - 1924 Marriage Certificate |
1953 |
 | Clarkson Plumley - 1867 Death Record |
1954 |
 | Clementine F. (Pokorny) Brown - 1977 California Death Index |
1955 |
 | Clementine Pokorny - 1895 Birth Return |
1956 |
 | Clera Plumley - 1896 Birth Record |
1957 |
 | Clifford Irving Polsen & Agnes Alyce McKearney - Affidavit for Marriage License |
1958 |
 | Clifford Irving Polsen & Mary F. Burner - Marriage Record (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
1959 |
 | Clifford Irving Polsen & Ora Hester Sperry - Marriage Information Name variation verified by U.S. Social Security and Claims Index, 1936-2007 |
1960 |
 | Clifford Irving Polsen & Patricia A. Davis - Marriage Record (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
1961 |
 | Clifford Irving Polsen & Pearl R. Schwab - Marriage Record (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
1962 |
 | Clifford Irving Polsen & Pearl Rose Schwab - 1947 Marriage Certificate (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
1963 |
 | Clifford Irving Polsen - Birth Information |
1964 |
 | Clifford Irving Polsen - Death Information |
1965 |
 | Clinton Sylvester Koontz & Clara Cathering Myers - 1898 Marriage Record 1857 Andrew J. Koontz & Julia Ann Kibler
1890 Isaac L. Koontz & Eliza A. Eagleton
1898 Clinton S. Koontz & Clara C. Myers |
1966 |
 | Clyda Mary Kirk Ray - 1902 Delayed Birth Certificate |
1967 |
 | Clyda Mary Kirk Ray Harper - 1966 Death Certificate (shown as Mary Clyda) |
1968 |
 | Clyde Brooks & Gladys Warman - 1926 Marriage Certificate |
1969 |
 | Clyde Snyder & Jean Songer - 1952 Marriage Record (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
1970 |
 | Coat of Arms granted to James Cleypoole, 17 June 1583. |
1971 |
 | Col. Isaac Gregory - Virginia Land Grants Granted in 1799, 1810 & 1820 for Revolutionary War Service |
1972 |
 | Coleman Pauley & Demaris Kidd - 1860 Marriage Record (this compilation is easier to read but has less information) |
1973 |
 | Coleman Pauley & Demaris Kidd - 1860 Marriage Record (this compilation is harder to read but has more information, an unrelated section of the pages has been removed) |
1974 |
 | Coleman Pauley, Sr. & Malinda Turley - 1848 Marriage Record |
1975 |
 | Cora Ann Scaggs Legg - 1945 Death Certificate |
1976 |
 | Cora Plumley - 1885 Birth Record |
1977 |
 | Cordelia Parker - 1631 Birth Information England Births & Christenings, 1538-1975 |
1978 |
 | Corena May Abell - 1895 Birth Record |
1979 |
 | Corena May Abell - 1895 Death Record |
1980 |
 | Cornelius Berninger & Maryann P Trish - Marriage Record |
1981 |
 | Cornelius Berninger & Melissa Ann Lindsay - Marriage Record |
1982 |
 | Cornelius Turley & Florence Gillenwater - 1919 Marriage Record |
1983 |
 | Cornelius Turley - 1894 Delayed Birth Certificate |
1984 |
 | Cornelius Turley - 1958 Death Certificate |
1985 |
1986 |
 | Cumberland Plumley - 1918 WWI Draft Registration |
1987 |
 | Cumberland Plumley - 1946 Death Certificate |
1988 |
 | Cumberlin Plumley - 1902 U.S. Registers, Army |
1989 |
 | Cyrus Brown & Florida Maynor - 1912 Marriage Certificate |
1990 |
 | Cyrus Brown & Gracie Vance - 1914 Marriage Record |
1991 |
 | Cyrus Brown - 1963 Death Certificate |
1992 |
 | Cyrus Brown - Obituary |
1993 |
 | Cyrus F. Melton & Sarah Faulkner - IL Marriage Record 1859 John M. Melton & Sarah P. James
1885 Cyrus F. Melton & Ida M. Groves
1891 Cyrus F. Melton & Sarah Faulkner |
1994 |
 | D. H. Brown & M. D. Adkins - 1903 Marriage Certificate |
1995 |
 | Daisy Skaggs Arnold - 1920 Death Information |
1996 |
 | Dale Anthony Good - 2018 Death Certificate (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
1997 |
 | Dame Marie Angelique Deronville Grenot given as Godmother of Jean Pierre Lagayete at his baptism. |
1998 |
 | Dame Rose Eleonore Elizabeth Grenot - 1831 Interment Record |
1999 |
 | Daniel Ashworth & Icy Alice White Litton - Marriage Record |
2000 |
 | Daniel Champion - 1795 Will, 1805 Codicil & Inventory New Jersey Colonial Documents, Abstracts of Wills, 1670-1817, Vol.38, Abstracts of Wills, 1801-1805, p.78, Gloucester County File 2519 H. |
2001 |
 | Daniel J. Abell & Maggie E. Seright - 1888 Marriage Certificate |
2002 |
 | Daniel J. Abell - 1923 Death Certificate |
2003 |
 | Daniel J. Billingsley & Kathleen Eaton - 1941 Marriage Certificate |
2004 |
 | Daniel J. Bordeaux - Company Muster Roll |
2005 |
 | Daniel J. Bordeaux - Obituary |
2006 |
 | Daniel Lee, Sr. - 1796 Birth Record Family Bible of Daniel Lee (said to be page 2, but no page 1 given) |
2007 |
 | Daniel M. Miller - Death Record |
2008 |
 | Daniel M. Webb & Ida Wheeling - 1905 Marriage Certificate |
2009 |
 | Daniel Martin Webb - 1958 Death Certificate |
2010 |
 | Daniel Miller & Elizabeth Comer - Marriage Bond • View Permission to Marry |
2011 |
 | Daniel Miller & Elizabeth Comer - Marriage Record View Minister's Return |
2012 |
 | Daniel Scott Myers - Funeral Notice |
2013 |
 | Daniel Webb Martin - Funeral Notice (May is incorrect month) Obituary: Daniel Martin Web 83, Funeral 1958
of Route 3, Beckley, died 7 Jun 1958 at his residence. Funeral services at Mattsville Church by the Rev. J. M. Godby. Burial to follow in the Family Cemetery. Arrangements by Rose & Quesenberry Funeral Home. |
2014 |
 | Daniel Weston Billingsley - 1999 Ohio Death Index |
2015 |
 | DAR Lineage Book, Vol 072, pg.23 - Mary Edna Walker Walker pedigree lineage of Mary Edna Walker (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
2016 |
 | Darius F. Pringle & E. Faye Bridgman - 1915 Marriage Certificate |
2017 |
 | David Adkins & Sylvia Adkins - Marriage Record |
2018 |
 | David Adkins - Revolutionary War Pension Application |
2019 |
 | David Austin, Jr. - 1880 U.S. Federal Mortality Schedules (left page with no data omitted) |
2020 |
 | David Cox & Rachel A. Raines - 18780 Marriage Record |
2021 |
 | David Cox & Rachel A. Raines - Marriage Record (excerpt)
Click to view full record |
2022 |
 | David Cyrus Couch - Death Record |
2023 |
 | David H. Austin - 1914 Death Certificate |
2024 |
 | David Kitchen & Belva Pauley - 1923 Marriage Record |
2025 |
 | David L. Hankinson & Emily Morrison - 1869 Marriage Certificate |
2026 |
 | David L. Scull & Sylvia Ann Champion Scull - 1840 Marriage Certificate |
2027 |
 | David L. Scull - 1908 Death Certificate |
2028 |
 | David Lee - 1874 Birth Information |
2029 |
 | David Lee - 1882 NJ Death Index |
2030 |
 | David Lee - 1882 Will |
2031 |
 | David Lee, Jr. - 1886 NJ Deaths and Burials Index, 1798 -1971 |
2032 |
 | David Lee, Sr. - 1845 Will |
2033 |
 | David Parshal & Emily Deavers - 1851 Marriage Certificate |
2034 |
 | David Russell Couch - Death Record |
2035 |
 | Daymon "Damie" Clarence Teel - 1969 Death Certificate |
2036 |
 | Delbert Saddler & Elma Powell Day - 1951 Marriage Record |
2037 |
 | Delbert Saddler - 1960 Death Certificate |
2038 |
 | Delbert Wyatt Miller & Ann Egnor - 1952 Marriage Record |
2039 |
 | Della Bays - 1904 Delayed Birth Certificate |
2040 |
 | Della L. Richmond Adkins - 1951 Death Certificate |
2041 |
 | Della Mays - 1909 Birth Record |
2042 |
 | Della Sadler - 1985 Social Security Death Index |
2043 |
 | Delma Deavers - 1907 Birth Record |
2044 |
 | Demarcus Henry Smith - 1860 Birth Record |
2045 |
 | Demarcus Henry Smith - 1945 Death Certificate |
2046 |
 | Dennie Edward Smith, Sr. & Cloie Adkins - 1916 Marriage Certificate |
2047 |
 | Dennie Edward Smith, Sr. & Cloie Adkins - 1916 Marriage Record |
2048 |
 | Dennie Edward Smith, Sr. & Velva Pauley - 1926 Marriage Record |
2049 |
 | Dennie Edward Smith, Sr. - 1894 Delayed Birth Certificate |
2050 |
 | Denver C. Adkins - 1881 Birth Record |
2051 |
 | Derk Oosterwijk - 1794 Birth & Baptism Record |
2052 |
 | Descendancy from Adam & Eve to Doug Couch (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
2053 |
 | Descendants of John Rockhold - 1958 SAR Membership Application The Alabama Society of the National Society
2054 |
 | Diana Lynne Nash Ramirez Couch President's Volunteer Service Award Pin |
2055 |
 | Diana Lynne Nash Ramirez Couch Lockheed Martin Skunkworks HONORS Pin |
2056 |
 | Diana Lynne Couch - 2024 Death Certificate |
2057 |
 | Diana Lynne Nash - Birth Certificate (personal copy) |
2058 |
 | Dictionary of Biography, by Sidney L. Lee and others p.264 re Barnham with Calthorpe, Rudston, Lennard |
2059 |
 | Dirk Heukelom & Geertruij Goedhart - 1821 Marriage Certificate |
2060 |
![Dlle. [Annette] Grenot - 1837 Interment Record (New Orleans)](documents/thumb_1837-LA%20Interment%20Record-Dlle.___Grenot%28Annete%29.jpg) | Dlle. [Annette] Grenot - 1837 Interment Record (New Orleans) |
2061 |
 | Doña Maria Juana Angelica Derouville Grenot - 1816 Interment Record Index Card (Marie Jeanne Angelique) |
2062 |
 | Donaciana Ramirez Contreras - 1933 Birth & Christening Record San Juan Bautista. Baptism Records 1927–1935 |
2063 |
 | Donald Earl Kurfiss & Doris L. Billingsley - 1941 Marriage Certificate |
2064 |
 | Donald Eugene Teel & Ollie Aretta Good - 1958 Marriage Record |
2065 |
 | Donald Henry Smith, Sr. & Lorine Mae Strickland - 1953 Marriage Record (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
2066 |
 | Donald Keith Jorgenson & Mildred Joan Couch - 1956 Marriage Certificate (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
2067 |
 | Donald Ray Clapper & Mabel Brooks - 1923 Marriage Certificate |
2068 |
 | Dora Nellie White - 1985 California Death Index |
2069 |
 | Dorothy Louise Litton - Death Information Ohio, Death Records, 1908-1932, 1938-2007 |
2070 |
 | Dorus Kempe & Jacomina Denekamp - 1826 Marriage Certificate |
2071 |
 | Douglas Eugene Couch - 1947 Official Birth Certificate
 View Certificate Back (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
2072 |
 | Douglas Eugene Couch - 1947 Personal Birth Certificate (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
2073 |
 | Dr. Edward George Brown & Mary A. Maystrick Barth - Marriage Certificate |
2074 |
 | Dr. William James Cromartie, Sr. - Obituary |
2075 |
 | Dr. Willis Ingomar Nash & Ethel Louise Sharrow - 1916 Marriage Record |
2076 |
 | Drummond Tartan Excerpt: The Scottish Clans and their Tartans |
- Eoin de Drummond, 4th of that ilk
- John de Drummond, 11th of that ilk
- John de Drummond, 8th of that ilk
- Malcolm de Drummond, 10th of that ilk
- Malcolm de Drummond, 9th of that ilk
- Malcolm de Drummond, 7th of that ilk
- Malcolm de Drummond, 5th of that ilk
- Malcolm de Drummond, 2nd of that ilk
- Maurice de Drummond, 3rd of that ilk
- Andrew Drummond
- David Drummond, of Drummonderinoch
- Gavin Drummond
- Gilbert Drummond
- James Drummond, of Ward
- James Drummond, of Coldoch
- John Drummond, 3rd of Drummonderinoch
- John Drummond, 4th of Drummonderinoch
- John Drummond, 1st Lord Drummond
- John Drummond, 1st of Cargill & Stobhall
- Malcolm Drummond, 3rd of Cargill & Stobhall
- Malcolm Beg Drummond, 6th of that ilk
- Margaret Drummond, of Drummonderinoch
- Thomas Drummond, of Drummonderinoch
- Thomas Drummond, 2nd of Drummonderinoch
- Thomas Drummond, 1st of Drummonderinoch
- Walter Drummond
- Walter Drummond, 1st of Deanston, Dean of Dunblane
- Walter Drummond, 2nd of Cargill & Stobhall
- William Drummond
2077 |
 | Dupard Brothers in Spanish New Orleans in the Late 1700s Excerpt from "'Yo, Jose Dupard, Pardo Libre Natural Y Vecino De Esta Ciudad': Masculinity, Race and Respectability in Spanish New Orleans/Jose Dupard, A Free Man of Color in Spanish New Orleans". Article was shown on www.mixedracestudies.org and was truncated (the link to the rest of the article was no longer valid). The original article had been on IRINDERINDO: A Journal of African Migration. |
2078 |
 | E. Emma Nash - 1910 Death Record Michigan (compiled) Deaths & Burials |
2079 |
 | E. F. O'Brien & Tempie Wood - 1905 Marriage Record |
2080 |
 | Earl Clement Adkins - 1913 Birth Record Although this record shows Earl born in 1913, family recollection was 1912...born before his brother Ray who was born in 1913. |
2081 |
 | Earl Edward Ferrell - 1998 Obituary (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
2082 |
 | Earl Egnor & Nina Stowers - Marriage Certificate |
2083 |
 | Earl Egnor & Nina Stowers - Marriage Record |
2084 |
 | Earl G. Tarrant & Leota Maye Arnold - 1927 Marriage Record Illinois, Cook County Marriages, 1871-1920 |
2085 |
 | Earl H. Russell & Lillian Miller - 1922 Marriage Record |
2086 |
 | Earl H. Russell - 1963 Death Certificate |
2087 |
 | Earl Hayes Laferty & Mrs. August Davis - 1936 Marriage Certificate |
2088 |
 | Earl Sidney Hutchinson & Nannie May Jourdan - 1919 Marriage Certificate |
2089 |
 | Earl Sidney Hutchinson - 1918 WWI Draft Registration |
2090 |
 | Earl Sidney Hutchinson - 2002 Social Security Death Index |
2091 |
 | Earl Thomas Cochran - 1936 Birth Information |
2092 |
 | Ebenezer Couch III, Revolutionary War Veteran Asenath Grinell Couch's Pension Claim |
2093 |
 | Ebenezer Couch, Jr. - 1733 Birth Record |
2094 |
 | Ebenezer J. Couch, Jr. - Death Record |
2095 |
 | Edgar G. King & Mattie J. Nichols - 1897 Marriage Record |
2096 |
 | Edgar Jerome Hocutt & Mary Blanche Cromartie Listing in Chapel Hill Memorial Cemetery |
2097 |
 | Edgar M. McCallister & Emma K. Thompson - 1877 Marriage Certificate |
2098 |
 | Edith Evelyn "Sissy" Teel - Obituary (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
2099 |
 | Edna Jane Kirk Thacker - 1955 Death Certificate |
2100 |
 | Edward Abner Oliver - 1943 Death Certificate |