Adkins-Horton Genealogy
Latitude: 37.5774613, Longitude: -79.7848422
BirthMatches 1 to 9 of 9
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Crowell, Mary | 1800 | Botetourt Co, VA | I18794 |
2 |
Dick, David | Bef 1786 | Botetourt Co, VA | I10556 |
3 |
Gray, John Sr. | 25 Sep 1773 | Botetourt Co, VA | I12470 |
4 |
Holstein, Peter Looney | 1 Aug 1795 | Botetourt Co, VA | I17062 |
5 |
McClure, Elizabeth | 31 Mar 1791 | Botetourt Co, VA | I17063 |
6 |
Sadler, Henry Charles | 1819 | Botetourt Co, VA | I18750 |
7 |
Whitten, George Washington | 01 Jul 1852 | Botetourt Co, VA | I9918 |
8 |
WHITTEN, Martha Jane | 08 May 1858 | Botetourt Co, VA | I5056 |
9 |
Workman, Joseph | Abt 1773 | Botetourt Co, VA | I13564 |
MarriedMatches 1 to 2 of 2